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Workshops & Consultancy
We offer workshops for all ages, looking at climate storytelling and/or making sustainable theatre. Led by our artistic director, Hetty Hodgson, all workshops are practical, creative & collaborative.
We've run workshops for leading theatre organisations including National Theatre, Southbank Centre, Guildhall School of Speech and Drama, HOME Manchester and many more, as well as schools, collleges, youth groups, theatre companies and artists.
Alongside the workshops listed below, we're always keen to develop bespoke workshops for your needs & interests.
Please contact us with any questions or to inquire about facilitation costs.
Designing Sustainable Processes Workshop
The theatre industry, in London alone, has been shown to have a carbon footprint of 50,000 tonnes a year, equivalent to driving a car 1.5 million times round the M25.
This is a workshop for theatre makers looking to create work which minimises their carbon footprint whilst remaining creatively ambitious. We share practical skills & tools to bring sustainable processes into your process, and encourage thinking which allows us to see environmental sustainability as a creative opportunity rather than a limitation.
For any company or theatre maker looking to rethink their practice - this is a 2 hour long workshop, with a 1 hour follow up to give space to reflect on the implementation of sustainable tools within your practice.

Project Specific Environmental Consultancy
Are you embarking on a new project and wanting to think of ways to embed sustainability in your process from the offset? Are you looking for space, guidance and insight into the questions you should be asking throughout your process to ensure that it is both a sustainable and creatively fulfilling one?
We offer artists bespoke project consultancy looking at the specifics of individual projects and what sustainability looks like for that project in practice. Checking in at key points within the process, our consultancy challenges artists to see environmental sustainability as a creative opportunity rather than a limitation.
Devising Theatre about the Climate Crisis
For Artists
Want to make work about the climate crisis but don’t know where to start? These one off workshops with a Pigfoot artist share our energy and approach when beginning to making work about the climate crisis. Learn practical skills & tasks which support developing performance which is both global & local, uses reality & imagination to create collaborative work which blurs the boundaries between activism & theatre.

Climate ACTivism for 11 - 18 year olds
A devising workshop for young people aged 11-18. This workshop looks at how we can use theatre as a form of activism. Sharing our unique, collaborative & multi-disciplined approach to theatre-making, we share practice on how to devise theatre with a purpose.
Learn practical skills & tasks to create collaborative work which blurs the boundaries between activism & theatre.
Climate geography, for KS2 students
Only 3% of pupils in Year 5-6 feel that they know a lot about climate change- and a whopping 84% want to learn more about the environment!
Our workshop targets Geography KS2 learning points, employing theatre-making exercises to encourage children's confidence and enjoyment in writing, language, and performance.
Within our session, we make space for students’ concerns about the crisis & equip them with practical ways to be more sustainable. We want every child to leave feeling confident and empowered!

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